The television landscape is wide and dense, especially these days. That's why a show needs to make its case in the first few episodes or it's off the DVR list. That's the hard truth.
But once in a while, a drama does pick up the pace or a comedy's cast finds its chemistry and the show becomes great. And, sometimes, a network exceeds expectations and delivers a great show.
It's like that awkward kid in high school who came back from college really attractive and put together. You would give that person another look.
So we suggest that these shows deserve the same.
Here are nine shows that got it together and deserve a second chance.
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"The Leftovers" (HBO)

Was the pace of "The Leftovers" too slow for you during season one? Was it too dark and depressing? This season starts off in a less melancholy fashion and expands the world beyond those who lost loved ones in the "Sudden Departure."
But the mystery isn't solved, nor is it over — it's getting more thrilling.
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." (ABC)

"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." coasted on its connection to the comics and movies. But it wasn't long before we figured out that nothing was happening and its idea of a crossover is when an item from "Captain America" falls into an episode.
Fast-forward a couple of seasons and the world is way less dependent on its Marvel brethren. The characters have their own storylines, and it's nice to see them getting on with their lives.
"Grandfathered" (Fox)

While the critics were falling for the Rob Lowe comedy "Grinder," there always seemed to be more appeal in John Stamos' "Grandfathered." If you gave up after the pilot, come back. You'll find the chemistry has improved a lot and the show has genuine heart.
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