It's deep enough into the new fall TV season to see which shows are popping and which are dropping.
Ratings, of course, will always be the biggest determining factor affecting the life of a show. But those ratings can also be affected by other things. Did the network promote the show enough? Did the show's early episodes turn people off? Is it up against a powerhouse like Fox's "Empire" or CBS's "The Big Bang Theory"? Is it just, you know, a bad show?
Whatever the reason, we don't want you to waste your time. There's so much TV nowadays that you're better served watching something that has some promise of future seasons. Consider this Business Insider's version of tough love.
Here are the shows you should stop watching, because they're probably going to be canceled.
SEE ALSO: 8 TV shows you're not watching that you should be
DON'T MISS: Why networks really renew TV shows so early
"CSI: Cyber" (CBS)

With a cast that includes so many notable and well-liked actors — from Oscar winner Patricia Arquette to Ted Danson and James Van Der Beek — and as part of the "CSI" family, "CSI: Cyber" should be doing better than it is.
Instead, it's CBS's lowest-rated show. For that alone, you should be looking for other options.
"Blood & Oil" (ABC)

"Blood & Oil," a drama about oil-industry tycoons, didn't have viewers gushing. It's the second-lowest-rated show on ABC, and critics are just hating it:
There are almost no words to describe how stupid “Blood & Oil” is. There’s a low bar this fall and it lowers it consistently. #OilTreeHill
"Undateable" (NBC)

NBC is still courting the live audience with event television. Joining its stage productions, musical variety shows, and sports programming is now "Undateable."
Surprisingly still chugging along in its third season, the show made a pact with the devil when producers agreed to go live with every episode in exchange for another season. This season, the show was moved from Tuesdays to the dead zone on Fridays. Its ratings are very low now.
Its pact with NBC may include letting it run for the rest of the season, but after that, it has to be a goner.
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